Our Partners
For more than 30 years, the Social & Health Research Center (SAHRC) has fostered partnerships with federal and state agencies, universities, health care providers, nonprofit organizations, and corporations to design, innovate, fund, and implement evidence-based health programs to prevent and manage obesity and associated chronic diseases.
Strategic Goals
Immediate goals for the Social and Health Research Center are the continued expansion of Bienestar/NEEMA and BAHLP into more regions of the US and Mexico, market behavioral-based modalities to prevent chronic disease, and to develop a diverse coalition of global, national, and local partners to advance the mission of the SAHRC globally
Funding provided by our Strategic Partners allow the SAHRC to develop new evidence-based health programs for both children and adults, create advanced evaluation tools for obesity research, and integrate digital animation technologies to improve the engagement and long-term viability of SAHRC curriculums.

The cost of chronic and mental disease, preventable and controllable medical conditions, places disproportionally financial and quality of life burdens on the most vulnerable of the American population. The financial cost of these conditions is estimated to be over 3.69 Trillion dollars.
For more information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality:
Innovations Exchange
National Cancer Institute:
Research-Tested Intervention Programs
Healthy Communities Institute:
Promising Practices Database