
Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese

Calcium; We all need it to keep our bones strong and healthy, to aid muscle and nerve function, and to keep our hearts healthy. In addition, children need it for bone and muscle development. However, nearly 30% of men and 60% of women don’t get enough from their diets.    Risks of Not Getting Enough When…

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Forest Bathing and Therapy

The Social and Health Research Center

Forest Bathing/Therapy: The Benefits of the Outdoors on Mental Health Ever wonder why you see a boost in your mood after taking a walk outside or spending time at the park?  Many studies have explored the effects of forests and other natural spaces on people’s mental and physical well-being. Although exercising comes with its own…

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Meal Prep: What A Lifestyle Coach Eats in a Week

The Social and Health Research Center

Both of our Lifestyle Coaches are avid Meal Prep Queens. But, what exactly does that look like, and how much does it cost?! This week Bonnie is going to walk us through her process on planning a meal prep for her and her SO. Step 1: Take Inventory & Pick a Recipe I always like…

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