Healthy Heart Month

The Social and Health Research Center

Happy Healthy Heart Month! AKA February! So far the year has been pretty good here at the Social and Health Research Center. We have made many new connections and have conducted many staff training’s on our latest TEA approved Bienestar/Neema Coordinated Health Program. We love meeting such eager principals and coaches who value the health…

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New Year, New You

The Social and Health Research Center

Happy New Year!!!! What a wonderful year we have planned! With every New Year comes the infamous, NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION!! The number one resolution besides saving money is…. losing weight! While losing weight is fine and dandy, here at the Center we are about getting healthy. Losing weight the right way. There are so many…

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Dinning Out

The Social and Health Research Center

You know that feeling when you’re exhausted from work? It has been a long day. You’re exhausted from work and 5 O’Clock traffic. The last thing on your mind is dinner, but everyone is hungry. Being the quick thinker you are,you pile the family into to the car and head out to dinner because dishes…

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Get up and Move

The Social and Health Research Center

The idea is to get up and move for 60 minutes a day. 60 whole minutes!! It does not have to be 60 minutes straight. It can be 4- 20 minute session of physical activity. It can be 2-30 minute sessions of physical activity. It does not mean you have to run for a straight…

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Be Thankful. Be Healthy

The Social and Health Research Center

Thanksgiving is around the corner! We have so much to be thankful for here at the research center! For starters…our faithful followers, supporters, and donors who keep the research center thriving. As the weather cools off from the Texas heat we are definitely grateful for cooler weather which makes it possible for us to spend…

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MyPlate. YourPlate. We all scream for MyPlate!!

The Social and Health Research Center

Source: Do you remember the MyPyramid? How well do you know MyPlate? Do you know who sponsors MyPlate? MyPlate is sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture. That’s right all the Registered Dietitians (RD’s) and Nutritionists come together to determine the best practices for eating healthy. The MyPlate encourages families to consume all…

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Sugar, AzĂșcar

The Social and Health Research Center

Sugar: this sweet substance that we crave. We add it to coffee and tea. It comes in packs, bags, bottles, jars. This sweet savory chemical our body craves. Is sugar really bad though? In all honesty it depends: There is the Fructose; a natural sugar that is produced from the earth and pollination. The good…

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The Social and Health Research Center

Ketoacidosis is a life-threatening condition in which your body doesn’t make enough insulin. This can cause you to have dangerously high levels of ketones and blood sugar. This combination makes your blood too acidic, which can change the normal functioning of internal organs like your liver and kidneys. Ketones are chemicals that the body creates…

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Fat versus Muscle??

The Social and Health Research Center

Which weighs more a pound of rocks or a pound of feathers? Neither! They weigh the exact same!! both weigh 1 pound. So which weighs more? A pound of fat or a pound of muscle? The honest truth? Well they weigh the exact same, 1 pound. However, while they both weigh they exact same one…

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Juvenile Diabetes Versus Diabetes Mellitus

The Social and Health Research Center

Diabetes is a scary word; it means there is an insufficient amount of insulin being produced by the pancreas. So what is the difference between the two? Well for starters Juvenile Diabetes also known as type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease commonly found in children but can also occur in adults. The body’s immune…

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